Thursday, February 4, 2010



Love them in the could-eat-them-for-breakfast-every-day sort of way.

I love them light. I love them fluffy and I love them colourful.

I don't eat them very much but today I just wanted me some cupcakes.

So I baked some.


The thing I'm finding about being pregnant is that this time is so different from last time.

Last time I was nauseous and sick every day for the first 30 odd weeks. This time? Not so much.

Last time I was so tired, combined with the nausea that I spend almost every day on the couch. This time? I'm tired, but no nanna nap today!

Last time I put on heaps of weight initially and then shed weight after the half way mark.

This time, I'm off on the same track and feel like a total fatso at the moment but am hoping for the same pattern. I'd promised myself that unlike last time I wouldn't gorge myself on sugar, spice and all thing nice quite so much. For instance, I wouldn't eat chocolate every day, at least once, like last time.

But, here I am making cupcakes.

And enjoying it.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I’m Lily,

That’s not my real name of course, that would defeat the purpose of being anonymous.

My blog used to be public but now…

not so much.

I’m a Christian, a wife, mum, daughter, sister and friend amongst other things.

I love coffee, my family and laughter.

I’m coming to value quiet time.

Sometimes I swear, not too much but sometimes, especially when I’m anonymous and only since becoming a Mum. Deal with it.

I’m trying to find ways to connect with God that aren’t limited to the “introverted, white middle aged male” experience. I don’t journal, I don’t sit quietly with God for the mandatory 30minutes a day (in the morning, of course) and I don’t read my Bible as often as I “should” but I do experience the God of the Bible in real, personal, significant ways every single day of my life.

I’m churched and the Word is part of my life…just not in a structured way. I want to be open to God and to the work of the Holy Spirit in new and surprising ways. I am learning how…

We don’t go to church regularly at the moment and it grieves me deeply. I long for a place for us, a place for me to connect with other Christian women and to journey with them. A place for my daughter to belong, to be loved and to love, and to hear from people other than her dad and me, how great Jesus’ love is for her.

We had a church but we had to leave. It was a painful road to walk but after persevering there for years we became convinced that it was the only godly decision remaining to us. We no longer live in the Bible belt and finding a church where we connect with God, hear the Word preached faithfully and has a place for our daughter, or at least a service amenable to small children (ie not 2 hours long) has been really hard. I’ve never had to look for a church before. It sucks.

But God is teaching us. And He is with us.

I work. For a Christian organisation no less. I both love it and find it desperately hard.

I didn’t want to go back to work but I needed to…at least for a while. This job has been a total God thing and there’s so much about it that I just love. And am good at.

It’s just I want to be at home with the kiddo.

In reality, I am home with her. I work 3 days a week, 2 from home and on the third day she is with one of our closest friends who has 4 children, the youngest of whom is only a year older than she. I say this often. I don’t know who I’m trying to convince more – you, or me.

Oh, the kiddo’s name is Charlie by the way.

I miss her when I’m not with her and I long for that season of 'home' to come. And maybe this time to stay.

It’s on it’s way, God willing. I’m 6 weeks pregnant at the moment. I’m simultaneously excited and nervous. Will it be my turn to be a statistic? I love this baby already and desperately hope and pray for it's safety in my womb and then, in this world. We're only at the beginning of our road together...

So this is me. It's nice to meet you.


Ginger is my beautiful girl. She was born in April 2008 and has brought so much joy and laughter to our lives.

She has boundless energy; I like to think we make ‘em crazy.

We’ll see.

She’s got a raucous laugh and a contagious personality.

She’s a great mimic.

Unfortunately at the moment she mimics, almost constantly, the seagulls from finding nemo.




All. day. long

It’s driving me nut, but like all things, she’ll move through it.

I hope!


My husband is great. But he’s not perfect, and we’re not the perfect couple.

We got less perfect after we had our daughter. For all the ways she’s enriched our lives, marriage is certainly harder with a small, dependant person around.

Sometimes my husband pisses me off but that doesn’t mean that
a) I don’t love him
b) He doesn’t love me
c) Our marriage is in dire straits or
d) We have a bad marriage it.

It means we’re two human, sinful people having a bad day, or week.

But sharing our raw, less than perfect moments candidly with people whom we actually know in real life, over the internet is not a great way to keep the connection, and trust, strong. It’s too easy to misinterpret, is totally one-sided and at the end of the day everyone loves some good goss.

For all my good intentions of writing openly about my life, transparency and all that blah, blah the reality is I need a place that’s anonymous to write.

Oh, and for the times I piss him off he can get his own blog.